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May 11·edited May 11

Misogyny isn’t rational. Misogyny is the scapegoating onto women by men with their fear and loathing of Nature. Male supremacy is the group narcissism of men, and patriarchy is the (anti)social system produced by it. Nickita is amazing, and the main reason I don’t have any children is because I don’t have women with her philosophy around me. ☹️ Too much misogyny in the medical industry for me to tolerate. I quit the gynecologists when I was twenty three, and the first time I was asked by medical practitioners if I was still menstruating I was forty-one. They make people, ESPECIALLY women, sick. I was calling this “civilization” “fancy cannibalism” before I found out that radical feminist Ty Grace Atkinson had referred to patriarchy as “metaphysical cannibalism” back in 1972. And that is precisely what patriarchy is. Organized savagery such as this is most definitely NOT civilized, it’s just obsession with domination of Nature, and completely disconnected from biological wisdom. In other words, mentally ill! I’m not a man-worshipper, so the white collar trash served up social death to me at the age of twelve, and didn’t even bother to give me a memo about it. This text was written by a socioeconomically dead person! Great conversation once again, gentleman. ❤️ from northern California!

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