Totally agree with your essay Phil.

Having been following a keto / carnivore lifestyle since October 2020 and leading what I believed to be a much more healthy and active lifestyle, in January 2023, at aged 56, I suffered a major heart attack!!! My poor lifestyle choices between 2010 and 2020 had caught up with me!

In the 15 months since the heart attack I have followed my own path to recovery and chosen to not follow the standard of care from the NHS and my heart function is back to normal and I only have a tiny area of damage to my heart muscle. If I’d followed the advice of the cardiology team I’d be on about 10 meds now and nowhere near as fit and healthy as I am!! The paramedics and the cardiologist saved my life for sure and I will be eternally grateful. But I had faith that continuing with eating a strict keto / carnivore diet would help me heal more than their drugs!

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Wow… Well done for sticking to your guns, Geraint! Many would have been scared off by that, but it's not unheard of, and I have had previous lifestyle choices catch up with me way down the line, which might have put me off if I hadn't known what was going on. Here's to your continuing good health! I'm wondering if you have thought about Cerule as a way to repair the damaged area of the heart muscle. Increased stem cell release can't hurt. Check out this video in which Ben and I talk about this product with Bart Kay and ask him all the relevant questions…


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Apr 24Liked by Phil Escott

Cheers Phil!!! Thanks for the tip i will check that out - I have heard Bart speak about the product!!

Keep up the great work you all do!! Love your podcast too!!! 💪🏼👍🏼

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