Mar 24Liked by Ben Hunt

Ben this video made me sit up and pay attention. I was trying to multitask whilst listening to you but ended up stopping in my tracks to focus on what you were saying. Now, I shall play it again as want to write the some of the gems down! PS I liked the thought of deciding if one particular choice is helpful or unhelpful as opposed to good or bad. That reframe alone could make a big difference to me.

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Perhaps it is true for some people, but it isn’t at all true in my life. Ultimately, my mind is free, but I know for a fact that physically I am not, except for knowing how to keep it healthy and strong. I was under the illusion, as you appear to be, that the outcomes are basically meritorious, but have instead discovered that I do not live in a civilization, but rather a sadistic dominator system of sexual terrorism. I could perceive myself to be a failure, except that would be erroneous. I exist among mentally ill people who claim to be “authorities” of the law (for instance) who are actually quite often lying felons who aren’t required to go to gaol for the crimes they commit against the public, and often against the most vulnerable members of society, to boot. It’s fancy cannibalism, IMHO, and doesn’t deserve anyone’s respect, but rather the application of consciousness to counteract and potentially correct the perversion. Understanding that plants aren’t “foods” so much as they are drugs, is a really good eye-opening place to start from, which increases our chances of survival and understanding of the perversion currently passing itself off as “civilization.” ☮️❤️🐾

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